I am so far behind on this series but I‘m trying to catch up! Stone Barrington is one of my favorite characters. I love reading about him and all of his adventures.
I am so far behind on this series but I‘m trying to catch up! Stone Barrington is one of my favorite characters. I love reading about him and all of his adventures.
Coffee and reading on this wonderful Sunday morning. I‘ve already done three loads of laundry so it‘s a much needed break!
I‘ve been out of the Litsy/reading game for a little bit, but today is the day to jump back in. My library‘s summer reading program started yesterday. I figured I would start with a book in a series that is always a fun, quick read.
#booktitlestartswitht #febinbooks18 .. 💵 My first Stone Barrington / Stuart Woods that I read, and then we just snowballed from there !
@bookisglee @Xenatine