4 🌟
I will forever be a Claire Freedman fan. Her underpants books are full of fun rhymes and excellent illustrations. It doesn't matter if it‘s dinosaurs, aliens, or even in this case Monsters. Everyone loves Underpants.
4 🌟
I will forever be a Claire Freedman fan. Her underpants books are full of fun rhymes and excellent illustrations. It doesn't matter if it‘s dinosaurs, aliens, or even in this case Monsters. Everyone loves Underpants.
3.5 year old: "Undahwayah endpapahs!" ?
He's been obsessed with buying this book since seeing it on #Bookaboo. We've watched that episode probably 10 times. Today, he earned it by being good during a bunch of random errands. Bribes work! #bookbribe #raisingreaders