This novel about 18th century castrato is an amazing piece of literary fiction. She did a crazy amount of research on this one, there's nothing like it out there.
This novel about 18th century castrato is an amazing piece of literary fiction. She did a crazy amount of research on this one, there's nothing like it out there.
Oh, friends. Casey‘s grumpy face aside, this is exactly what I needed. I love CRY TO HEAVEN so much I never want to put it down, but at the same time I want to abandon it so it‘ll never be less perfect than it is now. Which is a silly impulse, since it‘s a reread and I know it‘s amazing all the way through.
It‘s got me thinking deep thoughts about character arcs and music and the person I was the last time I read it. I‘m so happy, y‘all. #gaymay
This week‘s cappuccino tourism experience wasn‘t as fully-bodied as last week‘s, but the cafe was dog-friendly and my cup matched my book. So.
Y‘all know I love stuff about opera, and CRY TO HEAVEN is where that all started for me. I‘ve been actively trying to squeeze a reread into my schedule for probably five or six years now, with zero luck, but now the stars have aligned! I‘m going in!
It‘s been twenty-three years. I hope I still love it.
The #musicalinstrumentonthecover prompt for #booked2021 was proving harder to find on my bookshelves than I anticipated. Why do all of the books I own have either or swords or ships? So many swords. So many ships. I found sheet music, but no instruments. I literally went book by book through the shelves in one room. Started in another. Then...SUCCESS! And an excuse to reread my all time favorite Anne Rice novel. 🖤
I‘ve been an Anne Rice fan for decades. This book is one that I‘ve reached for frequently and it‘s in tatters. My books are my friends and this is one of my besties.
My first Anne Rice book outside of the Vampire Chronicles. I was uncertain about the subject matter going into the book, but I was pleasantly surprised at the way that Rice handles it. I love the way that Rice describes the relationships to music. By the end of this book, I had a new found curiosity of music and and it‘s production as well as historical contexts that surround it.
A leatning experience that both captures and infuriates the reader ,possibly the greatest novel ive ever read.
Happy May!
Throwing a tag out #batteredbooks
I‘m not precious about paperbacks (or hardbacks for that matter) I think it‘s a compliment to a book that it looks well-loved, many times read and creased all up to hell. Cracked spines, dog-eared pages, leaves held together will sticky-tape. All signs to me that a book has been read to death. I love it when I see one of my own book I‘ve written in this manner, it means I‘ve done my job as a writer
I don't have many #SignedCopies, as I've only met three authors, but the tagged book is my prized possession.
I'm hoping this is a true #deckleedge and not the pages breaking out of the binding. That would break my heart. 💔 #feistyfeb
I met Anne Rice at a signing for Lasher my freshman year of college. She was kind enough to sign my favorite of her novels. ❤️ #signedsundays