Happy Birthday to the Dalai Lama!
Happy Birthday to the Dalai Lama!
That‘s pretty much where it‘s at for me.I think many of us give power to dwelling on wrongs of the past, depressing emotions, fear of what might happen , anger at those who we think slighted us in some way. And while I know this intellectually , the key is clearing it out.Enjoyable book made me feel grateful for what I have & helping not to cling to stuff & bad emotions.🖤
#NovemberNarrative #KindnessDay #Giving Both prompts made me think of the Dalai Lama.
Compassion goes along with those as well.One doesn‘t have to be a Buddhist to get something from his work.He wants us to be better people , we all need some of that.
Haha! Page 117 was blank (more or less - a chapter title page)! So I flipped to the next page with text:
"When we have developed out sense of compassion to the point where we feel responsible for all beings, we are motivated to perfect our ability to serve them."
I'll take this as a reminder not to get too caught up in my own stuff and consider others as much as possible. A tall order having just moved house internationally, but never bad.
I am finally reading this. It's been on my shelf for, I don't know, when it was published in 2001? Very possible. Motivational thanks goes to the #KeepingItReal challenge in the #ReadYourBooks guild on #Habitica. This one kills 2 birds with one stone qualifying for both this and the #TBRDestruction challenge! Yay!