I‘ve wanted a backstage pass (bookish swag) since I found out Rhys Ford did them at signings. I have one! This is one of my all time favorite series and I‘m thrilled beyond words. I might have squealed when we were at the table. 😮 #GRL2019
I‘ve wanted a backstage pass (bookish swag) since I found out Rhys Ford did them at signings. I have one! This is one of my all time favorite series and I‘m thrilled beyond words. I might have squealed when we were at the table. 😮 #GRL2019
About 8 months from when I first posted about this series the last book is coming soon. Even better, I won an arc lottery so I‘ll be reading this book tonight! Who needs sleep? Or clean laundry?
I found out today that there will be an announcement toward the end of the year regarding the final book in the series. The title you ask? Sin and Tonic!
I'm on a Rhys Ford kick. I discovered this is the author that wrote Black Dog Blues and I'm working my way through everything they've written. This is a solid m|m romance/mystery with a very damaged main character, which seems to be a theme for Ford. I'm kind of mixed in that. Does everyone need to be tormented? It doesn't have my usual preferred supernatural/paranormal elements but the band from this series shows up in a couple of Ford's books.