I‘m posting one book per day from my ever-increasing TBR. No description. No explanation. Just books to read. Join the fun if you want.
Day 73.
I‘m posting one book per day from my ever-increasing TBR. No description. No explanation. Just books to read. Join the fun if you want.
Day 73.
I laughed, I cried, and would read again. A well written biography that reads like having a conversation with a dear friend. 10/10
This amazing memoir of a man who had a dream and promise of a new life, far from the poverty and violence of Pakistan. Khans rise from sleeping on park benches, to Harvard Law School, the sacrifices he made and the pride he felt becoming a US citizen and being able to give his family a better life.Moving story.a reminder to us all what it really means to America great again.Highly recommended. ..keep the tissues handy, this is a tearjerker
Yeah hi good morning I'll wait here while you run out and get this memoir RIGHT NOW.
Ok, got it? Now get reading this incredibly inspiring and enjoyably written memoir of the Khan family, where they came from and how they ended up speaking at the DNC. Khan's optimism in the face of many obstacles is so moving. I feel like a better American citizen for having read this.
🇺🇸🌍📚🌏🗺🇺🇸 #Shelfie #RiotGrams #BookRiot #DiverseReads #DiversityIsBeautiful #LibrarianLife
For today's prompt, I decided to show off the #DiversityIsBeautiful display we made here at work the day after Mr.🍊😠 face made his ignorant & racist remarks regarding certain countries & immigration. It's our suddle yet prominent statement which is located right at our circulation desk and is seen as soon as you enter our library. 😌✊💪🤓 #Resist
This quote of “so what if you are thirsty? Always be a river for everyone” resonated throughout the book and Khan and his family‘s life. They were definitely struggling and thirsty for a good deal of their lives but they were generous in helping others (through money, time, and love).
About to see Khizr Khan speak!
I haven't finished this yet - I'm about 2/3 through it - but I already know it's one of my #bestof2017. It's fantastically written, and the story is absorbing. Absolutely one of my favorite books this year.
Took a break on yesterday's lunch to read (and love) Khizr Khan's beautiful memoir, but now I'm back at it with Victoria The Queen
I received this advanced read copy, so unfortunately there is no afterword or acknowledgements in it. I feel like my copy ended rather abruptly and an afterword would have tied it up nicely.
Regardless, this was a very good memoir from Khizr Khan, the gold star parent who spoke at the Democratic National Convention. He speaks of his path to America and becoming a citizen. Mr. Khan ends with his speech at the DNC.
"War is always tragedy, visceral and bloody evidence that all other options have failed."