A powerful book of poetry.
Everything from the title, to the diction, to the brutal honesties in this collection are written masterfully. I felt hopeful and convicted at once when I set this work down.
Dear Pac, if there‘s a heaven
for a G, the red Rorschach splotches
of cop-shot bodies you must stomach
floating toward the kingdom
each sunset.
I‘ve been in more reading slumps than I can count in the past year or so. In another one and trying to kick it with some great poetry. I‘ve had my eye on this collection since it came out. #booksnbucks
(the poem pictured ends "in a breastplate, touch me light as a feather, please, jog in place.")
These poems confront the constant onslaught of microaggressions when you are a black man in (midwestern) America. Love the cover and the honesty - even the honesty of tiredness, of numbness - found in these poems. #edelweiss