Sent out the next package today to @rustoryhuf for the #coffeebeanbookclub! Didn‘t take a pic of the package so here are some photos that represent it. 😉
Sent out the next package today to @rustoryhuf for the #coffeebeanbookclub! Didn‘t take a pic of the package so here are some photos that represent it. 😉
☕🎄❤❄🎅😍 #TisTheSeason #BooksNCoffee #LibrarianLife
The wintery coffee choices at my job's coffee shop are up!! 🤶❄☕
They always come up with some yummy sounding combos. 😋
😫😪😪😪...☕❤!! #BooksNCoffee #LibrarianLife #BookishHumor #BookwormProblems
The #MondayStruggle is very real today my friends, hope you're all faring well & may you have your veins pumping full of caffeine like I do!😴😴😴😴