Made me feel better about getting older. This makes 2 books completed for the readathon.
Made me feel better about getting older. This makes 2 books completed for the readathon.
The SUP bookstore at the Aberdeen Mall has very few books in English. It's always fun to visit Richmond/ Vancouver . Not much reading but lots of eating of my favourite Asian foods : sushi, soy chicken, deep fried tofu, dumplings etc.
#17booklove Day 27 - #bookanddrinkilove
I'm drinking chamomile tea and think I'll be asleep early tonight. The Oscars ended way past my bedtime, but it sure was entertaining!
#17booklove Day 19 - #belovedreadingspot
I bought this recliner for my living room, but when I moved back in with Mom after Dad died, the chair moved into my bedroom. Convenient since this room gets way more light than the living room.
That's my Kindle on the arm.
The book is pretty amazing. It touches on all subjects in a way that's completely relatable!