Today's #bookmail. Other than my BOTM order, I'm trying not to buy any more books this month!
Today's #bookmail. Other than my BOTM order, I'm trying not to buy any more books this month!
This book made me feel all sorts of feelings. Also, now I have to go search out poetry by Robert Dunn...
As an occasional (though mostly lapsed) poet, this positively shouts at me.
" He was not, like the rest of us, constantly looking over his shoulder to reevaluate the past, or trying to bend the future to his will. " wonderful writing and beautiful anthem about a place and an unlikely poet.
Read this book last week and absolutely loved it. Heard Katie Towler speak about it and had to tell her that it is so beyond being a local interest book. I related to so much of her shared emotions. Beautiful passages; a must read!
"What truly seemed to matter - that inner journey, that exploration of empty corridors, that road into the self."