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Soul of the Fire
Soul of the Fire | Terry Goodkind
25 posts | 55 read | 2 to read
Richard Rahl has traveled far from his roots as a simple woods guide. Emperor of the D'Haran Empire, war wizard, the Seeker of Truth--none of these roles mean as much to him as his newest: husband to his beloved Kahlan Amnell, Mother Confessor of the Midlands.But their wedding day is the key that unlocks a spell sealed away long ago in a faraway country. Now a deadly power pours forth that threatens to turn the world into a lifeless waste.Separated from the Sword of Truth and stripped of their magic, Richard and Kahlan must journey across the Midlands to discover a dark secret from the past and a trap that could tear them apart forever. For their fate has become inextricably entwined with that of the Midlands--and there's no place so dangerous as a world without magic...
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Soul of the Fire | Terry Goodkind
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There were aspects in the first few chapters that sucked but thankfully it picked up after that and made for a great read.

Soul of the Fire | Terry Goodkind
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I have such a love/hate relationship with Terry Goodkind. I love his Sword of Truth series. It's honestly one of my favorite fantasy series, but I've read interviews of the author and he seems like such an asshole. 😧 Very arrogant and contemptuous. So while I love his books, Terry Goodkind is not one of my favorite authors!

#gratefulreads #notsofavoriteauthor @OriginalCyn620 @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks

vivastory Do you watch Daniel Greene's YouTube videos? He has an excellent one about why Goodkind is controversial 5y
Branwen @vivastory Wow, really? No, I had no idea that was a thing! I'm going to look up his videos! 5y
vivastory You're in for a treat with his back catolog. Greene is a big WoT & King fan. 5y
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GrilledCheeseSamurai @vivastory Yay! Another Daniel Greene fan. 👏 5y
vivastory @GrilledCheeseSamurai He's one of the very few booktubers I still watch 5y
OriginalCyn620 👍🏻📚 5y
Branwen @vivastory OMG. So I just watched that particular video and I am even more shocked and appalled at Goodkind's behavior! I'm also glad that most people seem to hate him, because I thought it was just me. I can't believe how mean he was about Robert Jordan! What an awful human being! 😡 I wonder if I reread his series if I will feel differently about it due to what I now know! 🤔 5y
vivastory His comments about Jordan were appalling. His level of arrogance is astonishing. I hope I didn't ruin his series for you, but when you posted about him I thought you might be interested. 5y
DaveGreen7777 Curiosity got the better of me so I checked out the Daniel Greene video about Terry Goodkind. “If you noticed a similarity, then you probably aren‘t old enough to read my books.” YIKES! Yeah, that‘s more than a little douchey! 😒 And the insensitive remarks about Robert Jordan are absolutely reprehensible! 🤬 5y
Branwen @vivastory Oh no worries! You didn't ruin anything! I'm glad that I now know what an absolute turd he is! I remember that when I first read the Sword of Truth series it was around the same time that I was reading the Wheel of Time series because I discovered them not too far apart. I remember thinking that were some striking similarities between the two! Imglad I wasn't the only one who thought that! 5y
Branwen @vivastory I really do want to reread the Sword of Truth books again at some point, because I'm curious to how I will feel about them now that I know all the facts! 🤔 5y
Branwen @vivastory PS-> I can't stop watching Daniel Greene videos now! 🤣😂 5y
Branwen @DaveGreen7777 RIGHT?!?! I always knew he was a jerk, but I had NO IDEA what a loathsome human being he is. How DARE he treat another person like that, especially when that person is ROBERT FREAKING JORDAN!!!!! 😡😡😡 5y
vivastory @Branwen @DaveGreen7777 I just now noticed he interviewed Sanderson. He must be on cloud 9 because he's a huge Brandon Sanderson fan😄 5y
DaveGreen7777 @Branwen @vivastory @GrilledCheeseSamurai You‘ll all be happy to know that I am now a Daniel Greene subscriber! 😁 5y
vivastory @DaveGreen7777 🎉👏🤘I don't agree with him 💯 of the time, but I honestly think he's producing the best fantasy related content on YouTube 5y
Branwen @DaveGreen7777 ME TOO! 💕📚👍🎉 5y
Branwen @vivastory I am watching that one now! 😀 5y
vivastory @Branwen Same here, I think he's doing a good job so far. I'd be completely geeking out 😂 5y
GrilledCheeseSamurai @vivastory @DaveGreen7777 @Branwen Daniel Greene is a joy to watch. Over the past year his channel has grown in leaps and bounds. He isn't into all the book tube gimmicks (which can sometimes be fun) and produces a lot of thoughtful fantasy commentary. Most of it I agree with & some if it I don't. I love that he's full time creator now so he updates a lot too. 👍 5y
GrilledCheeseSamurai As for Goodkind...i actually liked the first 4-5 books. After that I lost interest. After finding out that he was a dirt bag human though I don't like supporting him anymore. 🤷🏼‍♂️ 5y
vivastory @GrilledCheeseSamurai I love it when Greene has his rants, because like you said they are thoughtful & he's definitely not reactionary. But he's not afraid to call someone out on their BS when it's warranted, like his recent video about Dessen 5y
GingerAntics I started his Sword of Truth series, but it seemed to get repetitive, then I started reading all these articles about how he actually stole the story from a different series. I ended up giving up after the third or fourth book because predictable. 5y
Branwen @GingerAntics I'm honestly still reeling over how deplorable Goodkind is! 😧 5y
GingerAntics I guess I‘ve never seen an interview with him. If he‘s that bad, I‘m glad I stopped giving him my money. 5y
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Soul of the Fire | Terry Goodkind
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Book 5 done in the #swordoftruth , I‘m too far into it to bail. It‘s slowed down too much for my liking. I‘ll see it out though. Or someone could summarise the last 5 books for me ....... 🤦🏻‍♂️😂😂😂 #fantasy #epicfantasy Photo of Edinburgh getting ready for Xmas. Randomly there are loads of little quirky pop HP stores, their awesome!

AshHisson I think I only made it to book 4 in that series before bailing. For the Edinburgh picture, I believe that street was part of Rowling‘s inspiration for Diagonal Alley. 6y
LoverofLit The sixth book was my favorite. Stick it through! I believe in you! 6y
Derf Ahh that makes more sense now @AshHisson and @LoverofLit I‘m committed now, I‘ll see it through 😂😂🙌🏻🙌🏻 6y
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Soul of the Fire | Terry Goodkind
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I missed the #Friyayintro #selfie I was doing some traveling. Showing of my half leg sleeve 😊 making real progress on it now. Also listening to #audible #audiobook whilst in the gym 👌🏻👍🏻 #fantasy #epicfantasy

Balibee146 I soooo need to get back to weight training.... Inspired 👍 nice one and love the leg sleeve 6y
Courtneyjo_reads Love the tats! 6y
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Soul of the Fire | Terry Goodkind
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When you wake up because you know your alarms about to go off! 🤦🏻‍♂️ on the plus side, got an hour drive to work listening to #audible #audiobook #fantasy #epicfantasy 😊

Ashley85 That happens to me all the time! 6y
JoScho Every damn day! 6y
Ash.on.the.line This is the worst!! 6y
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Soul of the Fire | Terry Goodkind
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I love Edinburgh at this time of year. Christmas is hands down the best holiday and I know I‘m a little early but hey .... 😂😂😂 lots of quirky lil book stores on this street. #fantasy #epicfantasy

JoScho Christmas lights make me happy 😃 6y
FlowerFairy Beautiful! 6y
Balibee146 Beautiful..... Will be over in Edinburgh soon to finish off Xmas shopping for the family 👍🎄👍 6y
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Soul of the Fire | Terry Goodkind
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Traveling again, leaving Scotland to go back home. Hoping to get a few hours of reading done 👌🏻👍🏻 #fantasy #epic fantasy

Melissa_J Beautiful! 6y
youneverarrived Beautiful photo 💙 6y
KirstieE How pretty! 6y
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Soul of the Fire | Terry Goodkind
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An 8 hour flight = plenty of reading/listening 👌🏻🙌🏻👍🏻 nearing the end of this. Can‘t wait to be finished with #theswordoftruth tbh 🤦🏻‍♂️#fantasy #epicfantasy #audible #audiobook #wingwalker

britt_brooke Safe travels! 6y
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Soul of the Fire | Terry Goodkind
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I‘m determined to beat last months goal. Aiming for 40 hours this November. Made a strong start 👌🏻💪🏻 #audible #audiobook #fantasy #epicfantasy What‘s your monthly goal???

jmofo Usually I can audiobook and do almost anything but I‘m in a thoroughly pervasive reading slump, So I just wanna finish the one book I have started. 🙄 good luck on your goal! 6y
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Soul of the Fire | Terry Goodkind
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Great view at the end of my commute today, got an hour in of #audiobook #audible before work. Finding a dark corner to read in now 😂😂😂 #fantasy #epicfantasy

RadicalReader @DannyHattan extremely superb sunset photo can never tell the differences between sunsets and sunrises but they‘re both spectacular regardless 6y
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Soul of the Fire | Terry Goodkind
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So this was our dinner spot 1 day last week. Had a lovely BBQ, drinks and fire. Didn‘t notice till now though that we were visited by a fire sprite ....... anyone else see it? 😂😂😂 #useyourimagination #fantasy #epicfantasy

JennyM Wow...that‘s so cool. And I see her in the flames! 6y
rather_be_reading haha cool!! 6y
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Soul of the Fire | Terry Goodkind
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Today‘s activities so far, gym and gardening. Listening to #audiobook #audible whilst doing both. Can‘t wait for the lemons, limes and oranges to be ready 👌🏻👍🏻

mkuisma I am In Doha. These are our weekends. 6y
Debiw781 I love our lemon tree!! 6y
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Soul of the Fire | Terry Goodkind
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“Leadership is a nurturing of those under your command” A great summary of something really dynamic and challenging. #fantasy #epicfantasy

Soul of the Fire | Terry Goodkind
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#readingbuddy she lives an #audiobook #audible just as much as me 😊 #fantasy #epicfantasy I‘m ready to bail on the #swordoftruth 🤦🏻‍♂️ any suggestions for a epic fantasy would be appreciated 🙌🏻

britt_brooke What a cutie! 6y
JoScho Sweetness ❤️ 6y
Melissa_J Have you read any of Michael J Sullivan‘s books? Here is a good place to start if you are interested 6y
RainyDayReading The Mistborn series by Brandon Sanderson is a favorite of mine. Not sure if you‘ve read anything by him or not. 6y
Derf @RainyDayReading yeah that‘s a favourite of mine too, not ruling out reading it again 😂🙌🏻 @Melissa_J no I haven‘t read it. I‘m add it to the top of my tbr list 🙌🏻 thank you. 6y
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Soul of the Fire | Terry Goodkind
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As promised, this was the sun setting last night. 0 time to read though 🤦🏻‍♂️ #fantasy #epicfantasy

saresmoore Gorgeous. 6y
kellyann28 This is beautiful! 6y
laurenlovesliterature 😮😮😮😍😍😍 6y
BooknerdsLife It's so beautiful!!!! 😲😍😍 6y
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Soul of the Fire | Terry Goodkind
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So this was the sunrise, hoping to get a good shot of the sunset whilst out in the desert for a bbq in a lil bit. Got a good few hours of #audible #audiobook in today whilst driving to work 🙌🏻👍🏻 #fantasy #epicfantasy

Soul of the Fire | Terry Goodkind
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I love little pop up stalls like this, and their everywhere in Dubai 🙌🏻 such a good way to keep people reading.

Soul of the Fire | Terry Goodkind
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Not a bed view after waking up today. The sunrises here keep getting better. Making slow progress in the book at the moment, getting a lil bit predictable 🤦🏻‍♂️ #fantasy #epicfantasy

RadicalReader @DannyHattan sunrises are the best and make for some phenomenal photographic moments and inexplicably wonder wallpapers lol 6y
saresmoore My goodness, that really is an impressive sunrise! 6y
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Soul of the Fire | Terry Goodkind
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Today‘s plans ..... what‘s yours? I‘m sure I‘ll get a few chapters in!! #fantasy #epicfantasy

thewallflower0707 Looks nice! Where are you? 6y
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Soul of the Fire | Terry Goodkind
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This sunrise 😱🤗 Last day of the week for me in the UAE 😊 managed to get an hour in on the commute #audible #fantasy #epicfantasy

RadicalReader @DannyHattan gorgeous sunrise always such a beautiful sight 6y
Kaye Such strange scenery . It almost looks like another planet. The flatness, the sand, the colors in the sky. What an experience to get to see it. 6y
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Soul of the Fire | Terry Goodkind
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So I‘m on door duty this Halloween whilst the family‘s out. Beer and an #audible audiobook to keep me company though 🙌🏻🤗 anyone else sitting next to a bucket of sweets 😂😂 #fantasy #epicfantasy onto the next book in the series, review to follow on the last.

Kimberlone I didn‘t get any trick or treaters last year, so I‘m not planning on having candy this year 😔 6y
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Soul of the Fire | Terry Goodkind
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While this definitely isn‘t my favourite book in the Sword of Truth series, parts of it are very good. I think the reason I don‘t like it as much is that there is a lot of “building the scene” parts; so much that the story itself gets a little muddled while the author is setting everything up.

Soul of the Fire | Terry Goodkind
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Such an interesting way to describe someone who has never learned to read. It‘s funny that Beata can‘t understand how people can remember the marks that make up reading, while I am currently reading the passage and knowing what those marks mean. 🧐

Soul of the Fire | Terry Goodkind
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Soul of the Fire | Terry Goodkind
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Good enough story. A bit repetitive. Still going to keep reading the series, though.