The idea of a book being written in lists was so intriguing, I fell in love instantly.… and then fell out of love as soon as I realized it was being used as a space filler and an easy way out of character descriptions.
The idea of a book being written in lists was so intriguing, I fell in love instantly.… and then fell out of love as soon as I realized it was being used as a space filler and an easy way out of character descriptions.
Darren hasn‘t had a great year — parents got divorced, brother off to college, best friend moved away. Then one day, dad shows up with glazed donuts and a bombshell announcement that sends Darren spiraling. He heads out the n a road trip to visit his brother.
Told entirely through a series of lists which makes it unique.
Super Jugendbuch über das erwachsen werden und die erste große Liebe :).
Written entirely in list form, this book is not quite as thick as it looks, and is innovative in its new kind of epistolary style.
My bedtime book for the last week or two.
This summer I fell in love with the characters Aristotle and Dante in #AristotleandDanteDiscovertheSecretsoftheUniverse I'm very close to falling in love with the character of Darren in this book.
Saw this at Anderson's Bookshop yesterday at the ISLMA conference. My turn to pay and the girl behind the register looks at me, smiles and asks, "Did you bring your letter or should I call LaGrange?"
You know you spend way too much time at the bookstore when the girl sent to run things at the conference recognizes you! ?
And I live a 40 minute drive away!
5 Meinungen von mir, die ich über das Buch teilen möchte und ein paar Hashtags
1. Ein Jugendbuch zum Thema: Schwierige Eltern, Erste große Liebe, Erwachsen werden
2. Interessant gewählte Aufmachung und Struktur
3. Super leicht zu lesen, auch für "Lesemuffel" geeignet.
4. Witzig geschrieben
5. Es gibt von mir 4 von 5 Sternen
#jugendbuch #Listenroman #letzterSatz #review #erwachsenwerden
Wie man raucht, lernt man auch in diesem Buch. #jugendbuch
Aus "Dass ich ich bin, ist genausoverrückt, wie die Tatsache, dass du du bist." S 215 #mittenDrinMittwoch
Mhh, ja mit Donuts zum Frühstück könnte ich leben. #Leseparty #reading #quote #donut
Neuer Lesestoff. Ich bin sehr gespannt aufdas Buch, welches nur in Listen geschrieben ist und hoffe es färbt nicht auf meine Sprache ab. #Leseparty #Listenroman
Traveling is always easier with a book on hand.
Book giveaway from the Jewish Book Council and Simon & Schuster! :D. I've only ever won one GoodReads giveaway before, alas. This one is 600 pages of YA, but features many lists. Quick read, I bet. I think I'll cover this and other YA stuff in my next booktube vid. Maybe I'll get more stuff!
Started this today. On a two-week contemporary/realistic YA journey for a top ten list of 2015-16 by June 8. Any and all recommendations appreciated! Presentation of said top ten in July. So far, this book will definitely be one of them!