Made it 40% thru but couldn't continue.. Amateur writing, one evil ghost with a house full of ghosts that act more like Casper the friendly ghost, wild goose chase for his missing parents, was not enjoying this one.
Made it 40% thru but couldn't continue.. Amateur writing, one evil ghost with a house full of ghosts that act more like Casper the friendly ghost, wild goose chase for his missing parents, was not enjoying this one.
Berkley Street (Berkley Street Series # 1)????
By Ron Ripley
Creepy and odd would describe the house Shane Ryan grew up in....he returns 20 years later when his parents dusappear.
Restless spirits....servant passages....doors that appear and disappear.....secret rooms....this house has a history all its own.
Just don't got near the lake....
"Everything is impossible until it isn't."