I loved it! The best in the series so far, but there's gotta be more coming. Right? Because Jessie needs a book. And I got this from the library like the previous 2 but I'm fairly certain I'll need to own this one. #romantsy
I loved it! The best in the series so far, but there's gotta be more coming. Right? Because Jessie needs a book. And I got this from the library like the previous 2 but I'm fairly certain I'll need to own this one. #romantsy
I'd love to finish this tonight but I've another 200 pages to go and my eyes are tired. Gonna binge watch some Blue Bloods and then try to get some sleep.
Halfway through. This may be my favorite of the series. Or trilogy--I'm not sure if she's planning on more or not. But this one is great so far. In other news, I shook my headache but pulled a muscle in my back. Don't get old kids--it's no fun!
I have a feeling that I'm not getting dressed today. I've been battling a sinus headache for the better part of 3 days so I see no reason to do anything other than Netflix and read today depending on the pounding in my skull.
Options for my next read. Dolores Claiborne is for my book group on the25th but USA reread. Additionally I have The Mothers on my nook and Uprooted for #buddyreads on my kindle. The choices!
Well since my sports romance was a bust, I'm going to read an ARC. This one comes out in August. I loved the first two in the series. I describe them as dark small town contemporary romance. #currentlyreading #romantsy