4 ⭐. This book was completed by a friend of the author and published posthumously. I just discovered it's existence resently and had to read it.
4 ⭐. This book was completed by a friend of the author and published posthumously. I just discovered it's existence resently and had to read it.
"From the harbor, the port of Alexandria is an attractive sight, it's white walled houses and red tiled framed by azure sky and sea."
Genre: Historical fiction,mystery
Date Started: September 25th
Date Completed: September 30th
How did you choose this book: It's a gift from my uncle
Summary : Amelia peabody and her archeologist husband Dr Emerson are in danger as they look for the priceless stolen bust of Nefertiti.During the search,Amelia finds out that her life is at stake as she is hunted down by assasins.Now,she must be very carefull as she redeems the stolen artifact.
I LOVE the Amelia Peabody books and have been casually rereading them these past couple of months. This little article has me eager for this one, which I never have read.
Finished this 10ish days ago in the Great Library Book Binge of Thanksgiving. I really enjoyed it. It‘s not a classic - but as it‘s filling in one of the gaps in the series it was never going to be because nothing too outrageous could happen. Instead it was delightful to spend a relatively (well for Amelia) peaceful season with them in Egypt. I‘m so sad this is the last one and that the adventure is over. I feel a reread coming on. 🐊 🏝 🌂🐫🐈⛺️
Have started the final Amelia Peabody book. Am going to try to ration myself and make it last...
I'm going to miss Amelia. Joan Hess did a good job finishing this book.
Fan of Mysteries! Egypt? A sassy heroine with a a parasol and a keen eye for clues? You‘ll love this book. It‘s the last of the series but no less awesome! The author has passed away and I could barely get through the preface without shedding a tear! I can‘t believe that after something like 20 books in the series it had to come to an end. Read this book you won‘t be disappointed!
The final installment of the Amelia Peabody series. I‘ve enjoyed this series immensely; reading it approximately 3-4 times so far. This book is lower on my list of favorites; it wasn‘t up to the usual fun of the others. But it‘s still Amelia so it‘s still a pick.
Devastated this is the last book. Trying to take my time but I have zero inclination and a goodreads goal to meet.
Hello old friends.
I lurve this U.K. cover. So sad this is the last book! 😢
So glad to be enjoying a new Amelia Peabody! Shame it'll be the last one🙁
Starting this one today. Excited but also sad. This is my favorite series of all time. I don't ever want it to end...😔 #amreading #favoriteseries
I have enjoyed the Amelia Peabody series, big fan, and I am pleased with the results of Joan Hess (love the Maggody series) and editors who finished this for Elizabeth Peters. I have to admit that I wasn't sure at first but I did get sucked in and enjoyed this one. I will miss her.
Started the #audiobook of this yesterday and Peabody & Emerson kept me company all day while I organized some of my lace, knitting, & needlework supplies. I'm finally on the deck — still listening!
I know that when we die, & our bodies decay, all our molecules & atoms go back in to circulation. Egypt has always been a theme in my life, from the little girl who wanted to make a discovery to rival King Tut's tomb, to the grown woman living vicariously thru the adventures of Amelia Peabody, Radcliffe Emerson & their brood. Across time & wind & sea, I have Egypt in me. And to the sands of Egypt I will return.
These are my pre-orders due out in July. I doubt I'll get around to reading them this month, but I'm looking forward to them all the same. #Julymostanticipated #jubilantjuly
THERE's ANOTHER PEABODY!!!! I'm beyond excited for this.
Continuing to meander thru Painted Queen...it isn't La Grande Dame Elizabeth, but nothing is. This is a farewell tour with Easter eggs galore and a parade of old favorites. For old time's sake. #arc #booksandwine #NotAnotherDeadBody #AnotherShirtRuined
So. Excited. Sharing jack-and-jill hotel rooms with my parents, 4 year old, 6 month old, and husband in Maine. Loving my Amelia. #booksinbed #booksinhotelrooms #capitolcityreads #mainereads
I can't do it. I've tried twice. Amelia is insufferable, and I couldn't take her running off alone while assassins are after her anymore. There's very little in the way of archaeology in this one, and the mystery is too scattered to hold my attention. I'm sad because I was really looking forward to jumping back into this world.
Ok Littens, time to jump for joy! I just won an advance copy of #ThePaintedQueen from @HarperCollins and #TeamRamses on Twitter. I'm so excited I might have started jumping and squealing in the kitchen while dinner was cooking. #NotAnotherDeadBody
We have quite the assortment of books and magazines on the coffee table right now.