I am training for a 5k as part of my blackbelt training. Fortunately or unfortunately with the stay at home order, I have no reason not to run. #keeplitsypositive #quarantine #quaranread
I am training for a 5k as part of my blackbelt training. Fortunately or unfortunately with the stay at home order, I have no reason not to run. #keeplitsypositive #quarantine #quaranread
Well, guys, I did it! I finished the Literacy Council of Berks-Reading. Crushed my goal time of 45 minutes by almost three minutes. I crossed the finish line in 42:10. My husband took the pics of me approaching and crossing the finish line. #BFCRound3
So, I‘m running this 1 Book, 1 Run 5K this morning, and I‘m kind of nervous, but it‘s for the Literacy Council of Berks/Reading. I can‘t think of much that‘s better to run for.
This is my kind of 5K! And I caught it! I adore this community...I see a celebratory giveaway in my future...to be continued.
Not reading this morning, but I coach our school's Girls on the Run team and our 5K race and party were this morning and our 14 girls did an amazing job! The program builds confidence - which my students (high poverty, little English) really need! #teachersoflitsy