Any suggestions for this? I‘m scared my local library won‘t allow us continued access.
Any suggestions for this? I‘m scared my local library won‘t allow us continued access.
To All My Librarian friends out there in Litsy world... @MrBook
“I like that necklace you‘re wearing. Can I borrow it?” #librarians
Casual reminder this is happening in an hour! Remember to post the recs you get here on Litsy under the tag #AskaLibrarian. You might even get more recs!
Tomorrow is my new favourite day! #AskALibrarian on twitter. I mentioned it here last week but wanted to remind Littens. I also think it could be really cool if after the hour is up, we post what we asked for recommendations for and the books we got under the hashtag #AskALibrarian . We can all enjoy the recs and maybe get a few more!
The time is 9-10am PST!
Taking a leaf out of the book of whoever did a month of intense Goodreads giveaway entering (can't remember, all of y'alls awesomeness blends together). Two MG books won this week! I've found it helpful to sort by "date ending" and go through everything ending w/in the next 48 hours or so, keeps it from getting too overwhelming.