You think this year was bad -- things are heating up in the 1912 Republican primaries! Teddy Roosevelt has called Taft a "puzzlewit," but Taft shot right, calling Roosevelt a "honeyfugler"!
You think this year was bad -- things are heating up in the 1912 Republican primaries! Teddy Roosevelt has called Taft a "puzzlewit," but Taft shot right, calling Roosevelt a "honeyfugler"!
For anyone who isn't planning to vote in the General Election because "there's no real difference between the two candidates," in 1908 Taft and William Jennings Bryan both ran as the "heir to Teddy Roosevelt" with literally identical major planks in their party platforms. Also, this quote!
"I do not represent public opinion: I represent the public. There is a wide difference between the two, between the real interests of the public and the public's opinion of those interests." -- President Teddy Roosevelt
This is Civil War Union General, Rhode Island Governor and Senator, and first NRA President Ambrose Burnside. Today I learned that sideburns are named after him. I can't imagine why.
1904. President Teddy Roosevelt = Hillary Clinton; Wisconsin Governor "Fighting Bob" LaFollette = Bernie Sanders. Roosevelt wins the battle; Over the next two decades, LaFollette wins the war. Will history repeat 112 years later?