I decided on this one...my son loves the show and I love Guillermo Del Toro. So win win...
I decided on this one...my son loves the show and I love Guillermo Del Toro. So win win...
Have you ever had so much you want to read that you end up not being able to pick your next book?
Binge watching Trollhunters with my big girl this afternoon. We‘ve been at it for about 9 hours. I‘m a great mom, lol. Spontaneous cuddles with the pup for the win. She‘s been slow to love Bunny. Her Amy is still her best dog, despite having left us almost a year ago. The baby has no such qualms. She‘s had Bunny now almost as long as she had Amy, and she loves anything of the domestic housewolf variety. Even the baby Yorkie next door. #dogsoflitsy
I did it!!! I got ahead of my school work and finished Trollhunters this morning! towards the end it nearly made me cry. Such a great book. I have to treat the Netflix show as kind of different piece. I enjoy both in their separate ways. Love Claire in the book better!!! Now I might dive into Mort!
My lunchtime is my fun time! By the end of lunch I still have 60 pages to go! I have watched the Netflix cartoon and so far like the book Claire a lot! Book is a little darker too.
The storm has slowed everything down at work. I am sneaking in some fun reading. They finally decided to let us go home early. Anyone in New England right now be safe out there!
I got some crappy news. I applied for a position outside my department. I was told that I interviewed well, but the other person would be a better fit. I know who got the position and she is in my department and I am honestly happy for her. After the call, I cried. The department I work has become extremely negative. I was hoping to go to the department that I have been trying to work towards. Tonight I read for fun. No school work.
I honestly can‘t get over how different the book is from the show. I mean, holy shit. I really need a Scottish trollhunting Claire.
“Math was out to kill me. I‘d always known it. Overall I was an average student, but multiplication and division signs were like bayonets to my brain.” Jim Sturges. We are all Jim. #trollhunters #deltoro #booktotv #booktoscreen #danielkraus #guillermodeltoro
92 ~ Trollhunters by Guillermo del Toro & Daniel Kraus & Sean Murray (Illustrator) (Paperback📖) ~ Started: 03.09.17 ~ Finished: 12.09.17
Rating: 4/5📚
#teamhubcap got me a prize for being good 😀
#LyricalApril #UnderTheBridge
Back to my tbr again, and maybe a stretch for the prompt? 😂