Have I mentioned that I love 💗 the original Belgariad Corgi UK covers by Geoff Taylor?
Have I mentioned that I love 💗 the original Belgariad Corgi UK covers by Geoff Taylor?
Starting part II and the ladies are in charge. I love Queen Layla‘s tactics - I suspect I may have used them myself. Hmm - and I first read this series in my formative years …
Just starting ‘Enchanter‘s End Game‘. Garion is not in a good mood
I‘m gonna be real here, 80%of this book was so goddamn boring for me. UNTIL ALL THE STUFF WITH DURNIK AND AUNT POL HAPPENED!
I cried and then I rejoiced, because at the end of the day I got what I wanted for them. I was so stupidly invested in them and pretty much nothing else in this series. Overall the series is a 3star for me.
12 hours and a bit for #24b4Monday
I won‘t make 24 hrs, but I‘m quite pleased with my progress. This makes 4 books finished (my goal was 3). Plus I finished 1 jigsaw puzzle today, started another, and wrote another blog post (that‘s 6 in two weeks). Lots of great progress. 😀
Look at the boy who has been flashed once too many times. Also on to the fifth book in The Belgariad. Last one! #fantasy #dogsoflitsy
Day 1 of #25in5 is done and I managed some reading. Hopefully some more tomorrow though dog is back at vets for post operation check.
@Andrew65 @TheReadingMermaid
Final in the Belgariad series and a brilliant ending to the series. I have really enjoyed each book and the ending was perfect.
Sadly, the end of the series. But I really like how the characters and emotions took precedence over the fights. And Polgara and Durnik made me cry!
1. Enchanter‘s End Game by 2. David Eddings
3. Eureka
4. Étouffée
#whatawaytolive #pirateslife #5thbookinaseries
There are very few series of which I have read 5 books, this one looked slightly piratical!
It's not though! The Belgariad is a wonderful 80s fantasy series about a special kid - Garion - who may hold the secret to defeating an evil power rising in the kingdom. Shades of LOTR with a motley group going on a quest. The wizard Belgarath is very cool, up there with Dumbledore and (almost) Gandalf.