I worked a full day on Saturday this week, and now winding down with some coloring. Watching “Wild Wild Country” on Netflix. Can‘t wait to see how this story turns out!
I worked a full day on Saturday this week, and now winding down with some coloring. Watching “Wild Wild Country” on Netflix. Can‘t wait to see how this story turns out!
Just finished up this (the first real) page in my Harry Potter coloring book. These images have so much detail!! It'll take me forever to finish the book at the rate I'm going. 🤓 #harrypotter #adultcoloring
A little added self care for the day. I'm trying to stay awake, so that I can sleep a little better tonight. My pain meds are trying to knock me out! 😴
Cute present from my aunt. Time to give this whole #audiocoloring thing a try. #seasonsreadings2016 #bookishgifts
I'm helping set up the Scholastic Book Warehouse sale today! Best part about being a volunteer with Scholastic is that you get paid in books!!!
It finally arrived! 💖💖💖 #StyleReaderLibrary #HarryPotter #coloringbook #Potterhead
Mentioned to the bf that I really wanted to listen to this #HarryPotterandtheSacredText podcast but that I didn't think I could concentrate without something to keep my mind from wandering. Got out of the bath and this was all set up for me. He said he saw the coloring book and markers & knew it was the thematically appropriate perfect solution and that the earbuds looked like they were made for me so he had to throw them in. I love this guy.
New favorite coloring book. I started with Snape (always) but this one turned out much cooler.
When there's a million things to do, but you dedicate your evening to Harry Potter instead. Love coloring while watching the movie!