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I and Thou
I and Thou | Martin Buber
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Martin Buber's I AND THOU has long been acclaimed as a classic. Many prominent philosophers, religious thinkers and writers have acknowledged its influence on their works. Students of intellectual history consider it a landmark; and the generation born since WWII considers Buber as one of its prophets.
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I and Thou | Martin Buber
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#DeadPhilosophersSociety I actually found two different copies of this at the book bazaar, this one was $.75 and a trade copy was $1.25. I left them there, but it did feel like a message. Our last read left me feeling like this would be beyond me!

Bookwomble Nice find! I stopped reading this one after banging my head into the dense prose once too often, but really it was me being dense, I think🤕. I was enjoying it, just picked it up at the wrong time. I'll go back to it eventually 😌 12mo
JamieArc I‘m not a huge philosophy person but I think about this one a lot. 12mo
TheBookHippie Oooooooo 👀 12mo
GingerAntics It‘s crazy, I‘m reading a book right now that talked about this book. It might be sign! 12mo
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I and Thou | Martin Buber
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‘Meeting with God does not come to man in order that he may concern himself with God, but in order that he may confirm that there is meaning in the world.‘ I sometimes wonder if that‘s why there are so many conspiracy theories about so many things nowadays. Something has to fill the meaning vacuum that opens up when God is displaced from the world. We were made for a bigger picture. We crave it. And so we draw it.

Sace That's deep. 4y
Chrissyreadit People do crave an answer and dichotomy brings inclusion on top of that. When you believe you are part of a “team” and need that to feel important you absorb the meaning and beliefs of that “team” and believe what is posited about the other “team” we are social creatures who do not actually depend on each other tribally. Just my thoughts because I love human behavior and sociology. 4y
Mistermandolin @Chrissyreadit So interesting. Belief formation is fascinating and complex. 4y
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AmyG @Chrissyreadit Very relevant today. 4y
Chrissyreadit @Mistermandolin it is fascinating and complex. 4y
Chrissyreadit @AmyG my son and I have been focusing on individualism vs collectivism in the development of the USA . The way we have studied it (although I have not read the tagged book just the concepts) agrees relations and views of relations define us but does not look at Relation to/with God, but we are not religious so we look through the lens of global religion and US belief systems. Luckily my kids like to discuss the same topics I do. 4y
Mistermandolin @Chrissyreadit Sounds like you have some fascinating discussions! 4y
Chrissyreadit @Mistermandolin we do. We get just as intense over Manga, Anime, Marvel and DC 🤣 4y
AmyG @Chrissyreadit The whole topic is fascinating. We discuss alot of politics in my house and I am lucky we are all in agreement. ;) (edited) 4y
Chrissyreadit @AmyG that definitely helps! We are also very political (shocking I‘m sure!) and very active in civic engagement. 4y
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I and Thou | Martin Buber
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“We say 'far away'; the Zulu has for that a word which means, in our sentence form, 'There where someone cries out: "Oh mother, I am lost." ' The Fuegian soars above our analytic wisdom with a seven-syllabled word whose precise meaning is, 'They stare at one another, each waiting for the other to volunteer to do what both wish, but are not able to do.”

Cathythoughts Beautiful book 👍🏻❤️ 5y
Bookwomble @Cathythoughts Yes 😊💖 5y
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I and Thou | Martin Buber
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Every child that is coming into being rests
, like all life that is coming into being , in the womb of the great mother - the undivided primal world that proceeds form. From her too we are separated and enter into personal life , slipping free only in the dark hours to be close to her again. Night by night this happens to the healthy man. Buber 1958

0ld college notes , love this passage
#HeatofJuly #webelongtogether


Cathythoughts 👇🏻I always remember this passage #braintattoo #blazingworldbr 6y
BarbaraBB 💜 6y
Cinfhen Wow!! You saved your notes 🙌🏻super impressed ❤️ 6y
Cathythoughts @Cinfhen thankyou! I only kept special notes that I loved. & special old books that are really raggedy now ❤️ 6y
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