I'm sort of in love with this book. @coffeehousepress
I'm sort of in love with this book. @coffeehousepress
I really wanted to like this book... But there's no action and no discernible plot. It's just this woman waxing poetic about her acquaintances who are way more interesting than she is. It's all telling and no showing. It's the kind of thing MFA programs live and die by, but that the rest of us find insufferable. I wish I could think of something good to say, I really do. I hope other people enjoy it more than me.
I really want this book to get better because right now it's agonizingly boring. So far it's ALL telling, not showing. I'm 55 pages in and have fallen asleep 4 times while reading. I want to support small presses, which I normally enjoy, but this one is sadly underwhelming. 😕🙁☹️
Got a sicknasty collection of books at #reparama in Minneapolis. Some creepy & odd books, some that sound just beautiful, v relevant nonfiction, and one Japanese scifi novel. How do I decide which to read first???
I gave myself a gift today. 🎁
💙 I won an Instagram giveaway from @coffeehousepress & received a copy of this beautiful book by Barbara Browning 💙