This book goes in depth on Putin: his history, how he sees the world, his behavior. It is almost 10 years old so is a little dated, but remains an excellent exploration of a consequential man. It‘s dense but not in a bad way. I learned a lot.
This book goes in depth on Putin: his history, how he sees the world, his behavior. It is almost 10 years old so is a little dated, but remains an excellent exploration of a consequential man. It‘s dense but not in a bad way. I learned a lot.
Anybody else add this book to their to-be-read list after this week?
Or was that just me?
Interpreting behavior not by looking at patterns, but rather at breaks in patterns of behavior. I'd never considered that before as an approach!
If, like me, you are curious about the Putin critic named White House advisor today, here's the first chapter of her book on Putin: https://www.brookings.edu/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/Chapter-One-1.pdf as well as a July 2016 article she wrote on the reasons why Putin might have wanted to interfere with a US presidential election: http://www.vox.com/2016/7/27/12304448/putin-elections-dnc-hack - Interesting reading!