Charlie‘s here for the evening, so I got a chance to try her Christmas sweater on her. I‘m really happy with it! I took Rachel Coopey‘s lace sock pattern from the tagged book and integrated the main motif into a basic dog sweater pattern.
ljuliel Most well dressed dog in town. Very cute. 5y
Sace Beautiful sweater (and pup)! 5y
Caroline2 Cute!!! 😍 5y
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Eyelit Everything about this is adorable! 5y
readordierachel So cute! 5y
xicanti @ljuliel @Sace @Caroline2 @Eyelit @readordierachel thanks, everyone! I always say Charlie should be a dog model because she‘s so cute, but she probably doesn‘t stay still long enough. This was the only halfway decent shot I could get yesterday! 5y
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