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Meditation: Advice to Beginners | Rinpoche Bokar
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#bookfitnesschallenge Day 1!

If you find yourself struggling on day one, I just want to let you know you are not alone! My meditation goal will be my biggest challenge. A house full of guests, a night of insomnia - I definitely did not feel like meditating. So I decided to “get it over with“ early.

After a 10 min breathing meditation w/ a monkey mind, I opened my eyes to a room slowly filling with daylight. That moment made it worth it.

Read4life Nicely done. Together we‘ll all be successful. 💙 5y
Kaye 💚 5y
wanderinglynn Great start! 🙌🏻 I started the morning with yoga and plan to end the day with meditation. 👍🏻 As @Read4life says, we‘re all in this together. 💚 5y
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BethM You go girl! 5y
BookwormAHN Great, I plan to start meditating today as well 💜 5y
LauraBeth Meditation is one of those things that I never want to do, but afterwards am so glad I did it! 5y
hes7 Sometimes, the “get it over with” moments can be the best. 👏🏻 Way to go! 5y
Nu-Bibliophile Great job👍👍Meditation helps a lot! For me it helps me de-stress. 5y
alisiakae @Read4life 💙 💙 5y
alisiakae @nu-bibliophile @wanderinglynn @laurabeth I'm used to meditating at the end of yoga classes, it's building my home practice that is the current goal! And it's usually the hardest during times when I need it most, as things usually are! For the first week, I'm going back to the basics, even though I'm not a beginner. 😃 5y
alisiakae @hes7 Yes, they can be!! 5y
audraelizabeth Great job 5y
Clwojick Thanks for posting this! I didn‘t put meditation into my fitness goals, but I would still like to try it. When I seen this I immediately downloaded a podcast app, and looked up some mini meditations. 5y
dariazeoli Great job, and thanks for sharing 🙏 5y
Chrissyreadit I‘m trying to get back to regular meditation! Good for you!! 5y
Caterina Great job meditating anyway! It's so hard to start meditating but so worth it. I need to get back to doing it daily sometime. ❤ 5y
alisiakae @Caterina Thanks! I meditate when I take classes at my yoga studio, but I struggle to maintain a consistent home practice. That is what I am working on for this challenge. 😄 5y
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Big milestone for me...I have meditated for 100 days in a row! When I started this journey I never thought that it would turn into such an integral part of my day... I am looking forward to growing and learning for another 100 days!! #meditation

alisiakae That‘s fantastic! Do you notice differences in your daily life since you began meditating every day? I definitely do when I meditate regularly. 6y
wanderinglynn Congrats! That‘s fantastic! 🎉🥳👏🏻 6y
DivineDiana Cheers to you! 👏🏻🙏🏻👏🏻 6y
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Annl Congrats! Every time I take a deep breath and calm down I say I should meditate more. 6y
Kshakal @4thhouseontheleft I totally can tell a difference! 6y
Ruthiella Well done! 🙏 6y
Megabooks Awesome! 👏🏻 6y
BethM I need to try that! 6y
Kshakal @BethM I use the app called insite timer and love it! 6y
Lea Wow! The longest I‘ve gone is 30 days once. Great practice! 6y
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