Also from the archive 🤣🤣
Also from the archive 🤣🤣
@rabbitprincess - This is the comic I thought of when you were talking about not knowing what to put in your journals 😂
Thank God it's Friday! 😁
Relatable. 🤭
Yep, sometimes the other me chides my coffee guzzler self for doing that. 😁
Seriously. Plus, it's so much work.
These creatures are my go-to-beings for a sound life advice. *bows*
If anyone is looking for tips on 1. Being cool 2. Not being cool. 😁
Yes. My brain hurts thinking about that.
And then I kill them!
For the Instagram comic fans out there:
Thanks @hjreviews @JoScho @BiblioLitten
😉 I‘m still procrastinating and bookless
Let the unknown be unknown, you guys.
Adjectives make a difference, thanks for a great example mouse. 😀
Because priorities, right? 😆
YES! That is all i ask.
PS: Books are included in friends, and nice times if anyone is wondering! ☺️
Oh the niceness.
Super super super relatable. 😎
Hahahaha! Oh Mr. Bear, i feel you.
Some Halloween humour from these two!
Ha! Don't you feel similarly when someone gets new books and you don't?
Seriously!? If i did that, i would attain zen!
Hey, all the cat lovers. Be cool, please! 😀
Isn't that something now? 😆
When a boat has existential questions! 😂