How unhappy does one have to be before living seems worse than dying?
How unhappy does one have to be before living seems worse than dying?
A must read! It destroys the myth of Ian Curtis and turns him into an actual human being. It‘s a very powerful and short read. It can get tough when it gets to his demise but I think it‘s an important read.
#TaintedLove #JuneTunz
Probably sacrilege to tag a book about Ian Curtis with a Soft Cell song.... This is a fascinating insight by Deborah Curtis into their often troubled life together. She makes it clear that he was a difficult person to live with, but also that he didn't get the help he clearly needed.
My #uniquefact: music has always been my therapy and while I have a ton of bands that I love very much there have only been two that have touched me on a deep level. Where the songs have reached right to my soul. Joy Division is one of those bands so of course I named my son after their singer Ian. 😍 he thinks it's cool he's named after a singer! #augustphotochallange