Excited to receive this order in the mail today! Wanted specifically the editions with covers by Ollmann, whose graphic novel biography of Seabrook was so fascinating. It was one of my favorite reads of 2019!
Excited to receive this order in the mail today! Wanted specifically the editions with covers by Ollmann, whose graphic novel biography of Seabrook was so fascinating. It was one of my favorite reads of 2019!
Just signed up for #24in48 this morning (somehow I forgot all about it). I have a ton of ebooks to get through besides these two comics! In my Libby shelf are Sing, Unburied, Sing; Born a Crime; Ms Ice Sandwich by Mieko Kawakami; Words Are My Matter by the late Ursula K Le Guin; The Power which I'm more than halfway through; and the audiobook of Jay Rayner's The Man Who Ate the World. Reckon that's enough?
Took me a bit to get into but I did. What a strange guy. Can't say I feel a lot for him other than sort of understanding the disappointment of striving for perfection and failing. Actually, I am a lot more fascinated by his wives. Interesting graphic novel on the whole.
Interesting and dark graphic novel about one of the Lost Generation's forgotten literary stars.
I couldn't do it. It just wasn't for me. I didn't like the art and the graphic novel was just too wordy. It should have been a written biography. It was also overly depressing and I wasn't in the right frame of mind to read it.
Joe Ollmann entertains the crowd at the launch of his new graphic novel. #graphicnovel #autobiography #booklaunch