S6E5: another hilarious Halloween episode from The Big Bang Theory. #scarathlon #teamslaughter
S6E5: another hilarious Halloween episode from The Big Bang Theory. #scarathlon #teamslaughter
Took a break from reading to watch some Big Bang Theory with my roommate, including one of the Halloween episodes (S5E7). 🎃 #scarathlon #teamslaughter
The Bath Item Gift Hypothesis, if you‘re wondering what episode I‘m watching....
Day 18: #madeyoulaugh. The Big Bang Theory always makes me laugh
This read was initially intimidating because it seemed like a book that would present concepts & figures from philosophy that were unbeknownst to me& hard to grapple with. I was pleasantly surprised & entertained by the questions raised & themes explored within the pages, however. I consider myself a fairly regular intellectual thinker and conversationalist and enjoyed applying those tendencies to new information and ideas contained within TBBT.
Difference is an important but sometimes under appreciated feature of friendship. Difference pushes us to discover more about ourselves by exposing us to alternative valuing life.
Maybe tolerance is a puzzle, the type that is never really solved; it‘s just the type that makes us stop and think about who is tolerating whom and why.
If we can‘t see the significant contrast between our own worldview and the world views of others, we have no good reason to acknowledge that different world views exist out there. We tend, in that case, to see our worldview as the only worldview and, in doing so, lose sight of the reason we need tolerance in the first place.
It is a fact that there are people of different races in the world, but the world does not tell us that one race is better than the rest, that one race deserves a better life than the others. Racism is is not somehow “in” the world; it is created through social relations.
Our view of the world is influenced by our language.
The end goal of normalizing isn‘t to remove disadvantages of the disabled, but to make the disabled more similar to the typical human being. This way of dealing with the issue, however, is harmful to the disabled because it sends the message that there is something inferior about them as individuals, making them less worthy than the so-called normals.
A person develops true bravery by understanding how not to run away and also how not to rush in foolishly.
Healthy use of technology makes technology a supplement to normal living, whereas unhealthy use makes technology the focus of living and leads to imbalances in one‘s life and social skills.
Friendship, like love, may be among those things that are difficult to define clearly. Yet we know when someone is “a sucky, sucky friend”. Maybe that‘s all we need to know? Beyond that, perhaps the only way to know what makes someone a true friend is to have one and be one.
True friendship occurs between equals—a relationship in which one person is vastly superior to the other in distinctive ways is more likely a paternalistic relationship.
True friendship—what he called “complete” or “perfect” friendship—is a relationship between (morally) good people, each of whom recognizes the good character of the other, and each of whom desires to preserve and promote the other‘s virtue simply because it is good to do so.
“......a human beings most valuable possession is his or her own mind and that when a mind remains underdeveloped, a human life has not been fulfilled.”
Art educates us by allowing us to explore the human condition and so learn more about ourselves.
Look at that: Papa G ha a surprise pop-up in the most recent Big Bang Theory epsiode (S11E20) and does some expert nerding on the topic of comic books! #litsygaimanfanclub
Well this should be interesting
Feynman, Einstein and Schrodinger walk into a bar.
Feynman says, “It appears we‘re inside a joke.”
Einstein replies, “But only to an observer who saw us walk in simultaneously.”
To which Schrödinger says, “If someone‘s looking in the window, I‘m leaving."
✨Sheldon's joke still has me dying. Also, this is accurate. ?????????????
"Soft Mikey, warm Mikey, little ball of fur; happy Mikey, sleepy Mikey, purr, purr, purr." Mikey was comforting me earlier, and now he's all tuckered out. #catsoflitsy