Ehhh. I found this a little hard to follow at times, but once it was over I understood the overall drift. I think I wanted it to be funnier.
Ehhh. I found this a little hard to follow at times, but once it was over I understood the overall drift. I think I wanted it to be funnier.
I took a break from reading Shattered Pillars (cuz it‘s just as bad as the first one) to read something that actually caught my attention. Joyride is fun but definitely way to short. It‘s only 3 volumes (12 issues) and it started out fun and interesting but by the 3rd volume it felt rushed and then just ended. It‘s a fun quick read but don‘t expect a huge plot everything moved very quickly.
Comics, comics, comics. My #hoopla is full of them right now which makes me very happy 😊
This comic was so much fun! A space adventure that begins with "grand theft spaceship." Lots of focus on friendship and being true to yourself in the midst of wild space adventures including aliens, robots, malignant mind-eating planets, and trying to evade the fascist regime that's taken over Earth and is now pursuing Uma and her friends.
Three teenagers steal an alien spaceship and #drive across the universe, getting into all sorts of trouble. #anditsaugust
Joyride is a fun romp with lots of lovely humor but not a lot of story. The characters are colourful, & interesting, and Kniivila's colours & To's illustrations reflect that really well. Lanzing and Kelly put together great personalities & crack good jokes, but seem to have a really hard time with the plot. As narratives go, this one is thread-bare. Which is a pity, it might have been a favorite if the story had been stronger. #30Comics39Days
If you're in the mood for escapism, hop onboard this grand theft spaceship adventure and get ready to suspend a great deal of disbelief. Main character Uma's giddy enthusiasm for all things alien is infectious, and I enjoyed this, but one volume is enough.
"We're spinning wildly to our deaths"
Unfortunately I found that this just really didn't make much sense at all 🙁