My most recent prayer book. Plenty of good things to think about but also very Matthew Kelly.
My most recent prayer book. Plenty of good things to think about but also very Matthew Kelly.
I really got a lot more out of this book than I was expecting to. It offered a lot of wisdom, and sometimes the most plainly written parts were the most profound. I think Catholics might get a bit more out of it than other readers, but honestly I think if you believe in a higher power you would find something to connect with in this book.
This book, Resisting Happiness by Matthew Kelly, changed my whole life.
This book teaches how to fight resistance, and how to be happy in life. It also teaches you how to be spiritually healthy. I mean if you truly love and believe in God, you should definitely get this! Matthew, is a talented wise author. I'm a Christian, and I believe with all my heart, mind and soul.
Well anyways..
All in all, I recommend y'all to read this! 🍄
"God wants you to be happy even more than you want it yourself. Nothing on Earth can satisfy your desire for happiness. It is only by placing God at the center of everything that we can make sense of life. When we place something or someone else at the center of our lives we set ourselves up for a gnawing dissatisfaction." ?
Only on chapter one but I think it's going to be good.