Denver Littens 🎉 Here‘s my list of Denver Bookstores to visit. Did I miss any? Which ones do you recommend are a must visit?
Denver Littens 🎉 Here‘s my list of Denver Bookstores to visit. Did I miss any? Which ones do you recommend are a must visit?
I‘m headed to Denver next week for my birthday. Okay, it‘s for my husband‘s business trip I‘m allowed to tag along for, but I‘m pretending. 😉
Does anyone have any Denver bookshop recommendations?
Don‘t forget that the First Annual #FoTC party is tomorrow night. I‘ll be at the Colfax location if anyone else is going and wants to meet up! 💛🖤📚🖤💛
Repost for @ErinSueG :
Hi all! I‘m looking to organize a Denver/Colorado Litsy meetup! How many of you are interested? I want to do it at BookBar. Comment below if you want to do this so I can get an idea of how many people are interested. Please please share as well. Tag me or #denverlitsy so I can see your posts and collect names.
Yesterday we moved into a short-term rental house. This is after 3 weeks at my sister-in-law's and then a week at an AirBnB. (We had bought a house in Denver but the deal fell through two days before the close, which is why we've been nomads since mid-December.)
I unpacked my little book collection last night, consisting of the books I've amassed over the past month. It made me feel better. Because what is a house without books?