Making homemade mozzarella! It is an interesting process.
Making homemade mozzarella! It is an interesting process.
If any of my fellow Brisbane Littens want to learn to make cheese, this sounds like a good place to start! #librariesarethebest
And the cheese is now waxed and ready to age!
Fresh out of the press. A little reluctant to knit at first, till I rigged up a press-in-the-pot method involving hot water and a pasta strainer to keep it warm but still draining well. A touch of cheesecloth adhesion ruined the perfect finish. Still, it is my first time!
Drained curds about to be salted, milled and pressed.
Gently warming the curds for my first farmhouse cheddar.
And here's the book I recommend when starting out, along with the files in Facebook group "Cheesemaking, yogurt, butter, tofu and other fermented milk products".