So far so good 👍 James Tynion's writing is evocative.
So far so good 👍 James Tynion's writing is evocative.
This is my favorite current DC title. Batwoman helps Batman assemble a team of former villains--Orphan, Spoiler, and Clayface--along with Red Robin to fight crime. Tynion IV is a great storyteller.
Started this morning with a great breakfast and a comic book. Holidays are here.
Tynion's dialogue is pretty rough, but otherwise, DETECTIVE COMICS is his best superhero work by a mile, a good use of Gotham's supporting cast that plays to his artists' strengths and gives its heroes fun, cool action beats that play beautifully within the semi-rushed story. Not as sophisticated as the core BATMAN book, but enjoyable nonetheless.
Bought the individual issues to this arc, and it's great stuff. James Tynion IV shares my love for the third Robin, Tim Drake, who goes by Red Robin these days. I enjoyed seeing someone write a story with Tim that gets him right. I also loved that Tynion is giving each character in the series time to shine. Hell, I'm even digging Clayface as a protagonist, and I was really skeptical about that. #Batman #DetectiveComics #RedRobin #TimDrake #Gotham