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The Power of a Positive No
The Power of a Positive No: How to Say No and Still Get to Yes | William Ury
7 posts | 5 read | 6 to read
No is perhaps the most important and certainly the most powerful word in the language. Every day we find ourselves in situations where we need to say Noto people at work, at home, and in our communitiesbecause No is the word we must use to protect ourselves and to stand up for everything and everyone that matters to us. But as we all know, the wrong No can also destroy what we most value by alienating and angering people. Thats why saying No the right way is crucial. The secret to saying No without destroying relationships lies in the art of the Positive No, a proven technique that anyone can learn. This indispensable book gives you a simple three-step method for saying a Positive No. It will show you how to assert and defend your key interests; how to make your No firm and strong; how to resist the other sides aggression and manipulation; and how to do all this while still getting to Yes. In the end, the Positive No will help you get not just to any Yes but to the right Yes, the one that truly serves your interests. Based on William Urys celebrated Harvard University course for managers and professionals, The Power of a Positive No offers concrete advice and practical examples for saying No in virtually any situation. Whether you need to say No to your customer or your coworker, your employee or your CEO, your child or your spouse, you will find in this book the secret to saying No clearly, respectfully, and effectively. In todays world of high stress and limitless choices, the pressure to give in and say Yes grows greater every day, producing overload and overwork, expanding e-mail and eroding ethics. Never has No been more needed. A Positive No has the power to profoundly transform our lives by enabling us to say Yes to what countsour own needs, values, and priorities. Understood this way, No is the new Yes. And the Positive No may be the most valuable life skill youll ever learn! From the Hardcover edition.
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I‘m surprised I didn‘t give this read a big fat “NO!” right out the gate!
It definitely read very academically or “textbooky” as I might say.
Ever read a book & feel less intelligent or stupid once it‘s done? That‘s this one for me in 2020!
I‘m not sure what made me stick with it.
Maybe trying to create hope for something that wasn‘t there from the start? IDK.
Recommendations for books about “saying no” and boundaries welcome!!

Copwithabook That‘s disappointing- I had so much hope with a title like that. 4y
Chelseabillups30 @Copwithabook, I KNOW. I had high hopes that I‘d take a lot away from this book. It was recommended to me by someone who has influenced me greatly, so I really value her taste and opinions. I was supremely let down by this read. 😔 4y
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Who else would say that they suck at this!?
That‘s a yes from me!! 🙋🏻‍♀️

Suet624 Oh boy. Especially now. 4y
sgoffe Disagreeing with someone in a respectful manner can be a challenging skill to cultivate. ...But I wonder if maybe sometimes, in certain situations, being disagreeable is okay too? 4y
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No is the key word in defining your identity, your individuality,or, in organizational terms, your brand. If you cannot say No, you do not have a brand, for your brand is defined by what you say No to. No is a selection principle that allows you to be who you are and not someone or something else. No gives you the individuality and definition that make this world a richer place.

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Does anybody else love the work of Covey?
This is the first thing I understand out of this book and all the chapters I‘ve made it through so far! 😂

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This was a really good read, focused on determining your truth and standing up for it respectfully. I think this will be especially important for me in 2017.

Now I'm thinking about pursuing a career in Negotiations, that's how much I enjoyed reading this book.

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This is one of my goals this year! To learn to say a positive no, affirming my wants and needs. #2017

B.Reader Such an important sand undervalued skill! 8y
Suet624 Good luck. 💗 No is a complete sentence. 8y
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#bookishresolutions #mounttbr Sorry for the messy writing! I took the opportunity to try out my new Pentel Aquash pen and watercolor set!

The hardest part will be the moratorium on book buying ☹️

Check out the Sirens reading challenge! It's a wonderful SFF conference run by women, for women, and the 2017 guests of honor are incredible. I've commented the link below. #sirensreading

#januaryreading @RealLifeReading

MarriedtoMrT I don't think I can commit to the whole Siren Challenge but I'm bookmarking it for the great reading recommendations. Thanks for posting! 8y
thec0zy @MarriedtoMrT That's all that matters! The more good books the better 🤓 8y
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shanebeth love the look of those pens! 8y
thec0zy @shanebeth they're really cool! One of my non-bookish 2017 resolutions is to be more artistic, starting with watercolors 😊 8y
saresmoore I love this! And I will volunteer to be accountability on the book buying moratorium. Well, take that with a grain of salt...this is Litsy, after all. But I'm going for the whole year! 🙀 8y
thec0zy @saresmoore thank you! I will totally take you up on the moratorium #accountabilitybuddies offer. The whole year is so brave! I'll volunteer to help you with that too 😳 8y
saresmoore Thank you! I will make an exception for Litsy gift exchanges, though. 😁 8y
thec0zy @saresmoore it doesn't count if you're buying books for others 😉 8y
LectricSheep This conference looks amazing!!! 8y
thec0zy @lectricsheep right?? I'm so excited! I'm planning on going! It'll be my first conference. If you're able, you should come too! 8y
LectricSheep I'm like...seriously interested. Maybe we could get a Litsy group together! It seems like it would be perfect for a lot of people on here. 8y
thec0zy @LectricSheep that's a great idea! We could do a Litsy meet up!! 8y
LectricSheep Yesssss! So fun! 8y
B.Reader Love the ink! 8y
thec0zy @LectricSheep okay, I'll look into the details a little more and let you know what we can organize 😊 8y
thec0zy @B.Reader thank you! It took me longer than I would have thought 8y
LectricSheep Awesome! That would be so cool!!!! 8y
DragonSadhana Thanks for the Sirens link! Those books are right up my alley! 8y
thec0zy @DragonSadhana yay! I'm so glad 🤓 8y
BethFishReads I usually fail at book-buying bans (edited) 8y
thec0zy @BethFishReads you and me both, but I always start them optimistically 😉 8y
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