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Masquerade | Laura Lam
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Masquerade is the third and final novel in Laura Lam's Micah Grey trilogy, following Pantomime and Shadowplay.The gifted hide their talents, but dare they step into the light?Micah's Chimaera powers are growing, until his dark visions overwhelm him. Drystan is forced to take him to Dr Pozzi, to save his life. But can they really trust the doctor, especially when a close friend is revealed to be his spy? Meanwhile, violent unrest is sweeping the country, as anti-royalist factions fight to be heard. Then three chimaera are attacked, after revealing their existence with the monarchy's blessing - and the struggle becomes personal. A small sect decimated the chimaera in ancient times and nearly destroyed the world. Now they've re-emerged to spread terror once more. Micah will discover a royal secret, which draws him into the heart of the conflict. And he and his friends must risk everything to finally bring peace to their land.
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Masquerade | Laura Lam

My #bookspin book. (Note to self: write the numbers down! I have to comb the past posts every month to remember which book was which.)

A kind of disappointing end to the trilogy. I felt the author was trying to cram too much plot in while leaving a lot of questions unexplored. And the prose was oddly flat and unexciting for such an action-packed story.

Masquerade | Laura Lam

Some aspects of how things worked out seemed a little too easy, but overall it's a very satisfying ending. I tore through 300 pages during my Eurostar trip today. Love Drystan, and love that what happened with him didn't turn out as expected. I just adore the relationship between him and Micah, and the feeling that they will make it together because when things are bad, they turn to each other, not away.

Masquerade | Laura Lam
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And we're off. I'll be with my parents in around six hours. They are not aware of my new hair colour... ???

Seat mate wants to know if I really need "That huge pile". Uh, yes! (Sorry. Playing with stickers a lot lately.)

I think I will start with Masquerade though; I really do want to know how things turn out, even if I'm dreading the obvious plot twist with Drsytan.

Jinjer Seat mate asking a very silly question 🙄😂 7y
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Masquerade | Laura Lam
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When i pick it up, I tear through it. I just also get distracted -- like today I made this for my wife, with the note "You won The Knitting Bee!"

I even learned to knit (I crochet) in pursuance of this joke.

llwheeler Ahhh so cute! 7y
PenguinInFlight THIS IS SO CUTE! 😍My mother and sister both crochet and sew beautifully, and my mom knits as well. I‘ve tried all 3 and end up with tangled messes. 🤦🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️I envy anyone with the patience to do this, because I definitely don‘t have it. ☺️ 7y
shanaqui @llwheeler Thanks! 7y
shanaqui @PenguinInFlight I made a mess of it when I first learned to crochet, but if you do anything enough you usually get good at it, haha! Thank you. ☺ 7y
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Masquerade | Laura Lam
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A lovely ending to the Micah Grey trilogy. This series had some great world building, and I'd love for Laura Lam to revisit this universe again one day.

Masquerade | Laura Lam
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"You accepted me, you loved me, and you weren't afraid that I was different. Do you realize how much that means to me?"

Centique Great photo! 8y
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