Another delightful book, sad there is only one more in the series. I admit I hadn't 100% figured out the solution, only part of it. I was looking for something more subtle -- which was fully intentional on the author's part.
Another delightful book, sad there is only one more in the series. I admit I hadn't 100% figured out the solution, only part of it. I was looking for something more subtle -- which was fully intentional on the author's part.
I didn't want to take my paperback of The Apothecary Diaries into tonight's hot bath, so I started on this instead. I dearly love this pack of idiot lawyers, and I am deeply offended that there is only one book after this and that the author is deceased. Very rude, I call that.
The third book is this series is just as fun and clever as the first two. But, I have a love/hate relationship with how short these books are (they‘re less than 300 pages) - I love that I can devour them but I hate that now it means I only have 1 book left 😭😭😭 I‘m saving it for a palate cleanser between heavy reads because the humor makes me laugh out loud (oh, Julia 😂). I highly recommend these books for a good, fun read 👍
Sarah Caudwell is probably my favorite mystery writer. Think of her 4 novels as Oscar Wilde meets Dorothy Sayers--wit & erudition. Above, two young barristers have decided to make a fortune writing a romance (for obvious reasons, I loved that). The narrator of her novels, Hilary, is carefully gender-neutral. Caudwell herself was an early gender warrior as one of the first women at the Chancery Bar. #legalmystery. #mystery.