#MarchIntoOz #Misfits
#MagicalMarch #ManicMonday
I don't know if David Mitchell is really a misfit, but he certainly likes to present himself that way. These rants are also perfect for a manic Monday!
#MarchIntoOz #Misfits
#MagicalMarch #ManicMonday
I don't know if David Mitchell is really a misfit, but he certainly likes to present himself that way. These rants are also perfect for a manic Monday!
#ReadThePast17 choice - bit of fun social history reading -past articles by @RealDMitchell they make an excellent bathroom read.
This seemed like an Eeyore kind of title.
A pick for fans of the comedian, not the Cloud Atlas author 😉 Best read in bits and pieces rather than all the way through.
This four-day weekend has been desperately needed. Hope to eat, read and sleep (not necessarily in that order).
My annotated TBR pile for #aprilbookshowers. The top two books are in my purse and will be read as bus books. The two on the left may be added later in the month. Some of the library books I might just flip through (e.g., Death to Dust), and the Morse omnibus might only get started this month.