#7days7books Day 4
Seven books that left a deep impression on me and changed me.
#7days7books Day 4
Seven books that left a deep impression on me and changed me.
#AbbaInAugust #HoleInYourSoul
I have rarely read a book that so completely absorbed me. I was in Charging Elk's head (and heart) every moment, it was like being him. I hope so hard that his story ended Differently.
Charging Elk, a Lakota lndian that travels to France with the Wild West Show and is stranded there because of an illness, goes through a lot of #changes
Over many years, he learns to be a European, slowly living part of his culture.
In many respects, his story reflects the story of his entire people.
A melancholy novel, but beautiful
Absolutely loved this book.
It is the story of Charging Elk who, while travelling with Buffalo Bill Wild West Show, gets stranded in Paris. How he struggled to adjusting, and how he slowly finally interested in French life.
But it is also the story of an entire people, because Charging Elk's arc as an individual follows the same trajectory all Native Americans' lives followed.
#RockInMay #ItsMyLife #NativeBooks