@Tsubame Thank you so much!!! ❤️ This was an amazing surprise to receive today from an amazing person 😘 and just when I needed it the most! The beautiful bookmark is going to be a perfect companion for The Tale of Genji 😍
Thank you! 😊🌸🌸🌸
I really like the way Kerr wrote this book! Profound and humorous at the same time, this is a very entertaining and educational read. I'm ending this day with a #HotDrinkAndABook, although I was hoping to post about #SecretSantaGoesPostal too, not only for #SeasonsReadings2016. But unfortunately I haven't received anything yet. Hopefully the parcel will only be late and not lost.
Today I finished my shopping for Christmas and oh my god am I tired now!! Yesterday and today I went the shopping streets and arcades of Kyoto up and down and today I rewarded myself with this gem. Can't wait to start it!