This was my second book from Pearl S. Buck and I am till amazed how well did she know the Chines culture. This book is about women in every aspect. Firstly you may hate Madam Vu but the reader learn about life and love with herself.
This was my second book from Pearl S. Buck and I am till amazed how well did she know the Chines culture. This book is about women in every aspect. Firstly you may hate Madam Vu but the reader learn about life and love with herself.
"Toda alma fica assustada quando é forçada além do seu nÃvel." ("Every soul is frightened when it is forced beyond its level)
Pavilion of Women is a historical novel by Nobel Prize-winning American author Pearl S. Buck, first published in 1946 by The John Day Company. Set in China in the years prior to the First World War, it chronicles the emancipation of Madame Wu, the pampered matriarch of a wealthy Chinese family.
Icelandic restaurants are almost invariably decorated in books. Beside our table tonight was an old volume of Pearl S. Buck. The menus were dressed up in old book covers, and the light bulbs hung inside Mason jars.
This was the book club selection for next month. I don't know if I would have finished it if this had been a book that I picked up on my own. It was well written, it was just not for me.
#FunFridayPhoto ... a book with flowers on the cover (and I should probably read it soon 😬).