Straightforward character drama that has aged shockingly well. Would love to see it on stage. And Anderson famously sticks the dismount.
Straightforward character drama that has aged shockingly well. Would love to see it on stage. And Anderson famously sticks the dismount.
I found this book while cataloging and decided it needed to come home with me. 😎 It says it was a Broadway hit but I've never heard of it. Sounds scandalous! 😉
An impactful play about bullying, perception and kindness
At the hospital, waiting and reading
#BookNBrunch! My good friend and I are enjoying tea and scones with clotted cream and jam at Tea & Sympathy in the Village, discussing Alice Hoffman books, namely The Marriage of Opposites, which we‘re discussing with our NYC book club in an hour or so! Mmmmmmm, this is all so delicious! And so cozy on this rainy day.
Some choice books on the Strand Bookstore spinner at Time Square. Quite tempted by the Faulkner.