Man this book was more brutal than I was expecting it to be! Great though!
Man this book was more brutal than I was expecting it to be! Great though!
I adore both the Archie Comics and Predator, so this crossover series was a fun treat! The perfect amount of corn, camp and carnage coupled with a team of creative writers with a wild sense of humor. 🤣
I'm not sure what I just read... :D
I'm still conflicted about these alternate Archie worlds. I have such fond memories of reading the classic, wholesome digests growing up. I gave it a shot, though, and while there was certainly entertaining aspects, I just did not enjoy seeing the gang murdered and maimed.
This was fun. I've been a Predator fan for a long time. This pretty much goes the way you think it would if a Predator tried to kill everyone in the Archie universe. Over the top deaths, bad one liners, Jughead's terrible food cravings, this comic has it all.
INSANE! Certainly a more graphic Archie story!