This book was gorgeously written and contained within it's pages a story of generations, love, change and stagnation. Absolutely beautiful.
This book was gorgeously written and contained within it's pages a story of generations, love, change and stagnation. Absolutely beautiful.
Hiding out behind a dinosaur's butt trying to finish the last 50 pages of my book before Book Club tonight.
"Sardar is still as silent, Talla talkative. That is how they balance their world, between the laconic confidence of a man who has faith in life and the chattering mistrust of a woman who expects a new misfortune to appear every day"
"And Talla speaks for two because everything is necessary to make up a life, and nothing can replace anything else. And a misunderstood silence is more brutal than the most spiteful words, the void it creates more empty than any unspeaking mouth." #europaeditions
"He needed his horizon to be clear so he could see only the essence of life, as it was at the outset, before words existed; having people around, their chatter and bustle, interrupted the view" #europaeditions #iran #muslim
Starting my next Book Club book. Anybody read it? Any good? I can't figure out when it is set. "1299 on the Iranian calendar" which I thought worked out to the 1880s, but then someone drives by in a Renault, so I guess not.