Not for me.
So finally they scratched that itch! 👏
And it was high time! He was hot & cold throughout the first ~70% of the story, and she kept getting disappointed by the mixed signals he was sending. But once they got into it, they spent about 4 chapters in bed. FOUR FREAKING CHAPTERS! Do I need to read about all the sex for this long? Short answer is - you guessed it - NO.
Gonna skim through the rest. So ready for this to be over already.
I'm sorry to say this, but the repetitions in this book are driving me crazy!
Yes, I know that his attraction to her is distracting him from his work.
Yes, I know that she won't trust him because of some issues.
But do I have to read about it again and again?!
The interesting storyline is the only thing keeping me from bailing already. Now I can see why I waited so long after the first book to read this one!
#ugh #frustrating #greatstorythough
"Landon pinched the bridge of his nose between his thumb and forefinger and let out a long-suffering sigh that Emma suspected he saved for moments like this. He was such a drama queen."
Ha! ? I'm definitely liking this book better than the first one in the series!