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Hable Como En Ted / Talk Like Ted
Hable Como En Ted / Talk Like Ted | Carmine Gallo
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"Hable como en TED" es el libro de referencia para aprender a expresarse en publico como lo hacen los oradores profesionales.-Fundamentado en los ultimos avances cientificos sobre el cerebro, este libro explica de forma practica y cautivadora que es lo que funciona realmente, que conquista a una audiencia y que no.-Fortune -Cuando se estructuran y se presentan de forma eficaz, las ideas pueden cambiar el mundo.-Carmine Gallo En el siglo XXI, la comunicacion se ha convertido en la verdadera clave para el exito. Por ello, las conferencias TED, seguidas por millones de personas de todo el mundo, han redefinido las reglas para cautivar a cualquier auditorio. El reputado especialista en coaching de presentaciones Carmine Gallo ha realizado un estudio exhaustivo de las conferencias TED mas vistas y de las tecnicas que coinciden en emplear los mejores ponentes. Con los resultados obtenidos, su propia experiencia como orador y las entrevistas realizadas a los mas destacados neurocientificos, psicologos y expertos en comunicacion, ha confeccionado este extraordinario metodo. En Hable como en TED se encuentran los secretos fundamentales para triunfar en cualquier exposicion en publico, encandilar a nuestros oyentes y aprender a expresarnos con la seguridad de los profesionales. Resenas: -Carmine Gallo nos ensena de forma precisa que hacer para conseguir que una conferencia se situe entre las mejores del mundo. Con ejemplos reales detallados, informacion contrastada y mucha pasion, Gallo nos revela los secretos que podemos incorporar en nuestras presentaciones para que la gente nos escuche con atencion.-Dan Roam, autor de Tu mundo en una servilleta -Hable como en TED parte de la premisa de que las charlas TED aportan ejemplos y lecciones que son una magnifica fuente de conocimiento. Carmine Gallo lo sabe muy bien y por eso ha escrito este libro, cuyas herramientas de comunicacion convertiran a cualquier persona en un extraordinario orador.-Guy Kawasaki, autor de El arte de cautivar -Este libro explica de forma clara una serie de elementos que conducen a la excelencia y que ayudaran a cualquier persona que desee mejorar su comunicacion oral. Se fundamenta en las ultimas investigaciones cientificas y describe algunos de los mejores ejemplos actuales de presentaciones orales.-Management Today ENGLISH DESCRIPTION Ideas are the currency of the twenty-first century. In order to succeed, you need to be able to sell your ideas persuasively. This ability is the single greatest skill that will help you accomplish your dreams. TED Talks have redefined the elements of a successful presentation and become the gold standard for public speaking. TED?which stands for technology, entertainment, and design?brings together the world's leading thinkers. These are the presentations that set the world on fire, and the techniques that top TED speakers use will make any presentation more dynamic, fire up any team, and give anyone the confidence to overcome their fear of public speaking. Public speaking coach and bestselling author Carmine Gallo has broken down hundreds of TED talks and interviewed the most popular TED presenters, as well as the top researchers in the fields of psychology, communications, and neuroscience to reveal the nine secrets of all successful TED presentations. Gallo's step-by-step method makes it possible for anyone to deliver a presentation that is engaging, persuasive, and memorable. Many people have a fear of public speaking or are insecure about their ability to give a TED-worthy presentation. Carmine Gallo's top 10 Wall Street Journal Bestseller Talk Like TED will give them the tools to communicate the ideas that matter most to them, the skill to win over hearts and minds, and the confidence to deliver the talk of their lives."
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This book contains several immediately applicable suggestions to improve one‘s presentation abilities.


Not what I had hoped.

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The best book ever among all of the public speaking I've read in my life.This book have explained all the fundamental of a public presentetion very easily.There are nine chapters.Each of every chapter break down a fundamental element of a speech like story telling,visual effect,the rule of three(my favourate one!) & so one.I am highly recomend all of you to read it.

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Now I am reading the rule of three in Talk Like TED


Was preparing for an important presentation at work and noticed this book in my library (in an audiobook format). Halfway through the recording I bought myself a hard copy! It isn't perfect (as in -- dont think that you'll be ready to do a TED Talk immediately after just reading it), but it has really great pointers, suggestions and examples, and helps develop an interesting approach to presentations of all levels.


This book offered insight into developing your presentation, staying concise, and staying in your lane. I recommend this to anyone looking to improve their presentations and public speaking skills.


The pointers were great, but there was so much fluff to the points I had to skip over parts as it was redundant.

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Sorting through my #unreadshelfproject2028. Clearing out the books that belong elsewhere: things I've already read, things I really won't read and any things that belong on other shelves. #bookladyonthemove


I love watching Ted Talks. Often I am blown away by how dynamic, energizing and ingenious some folks are. How bold, daring and clever? How easy public speaking looks for some folks? This book gave insight. It‘s not easy. It‘s a practiced skill that requires hard work, determination and courage. I learned a lot, but probably what other folks already know.
Recommended for appreciation of the task of touching a heart in an 18-minute speech.

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STILL in bed sick with a cold. I should be celebrating all this reading time I can now do, but this is day five. I am determined to move around today, maybe to breathe some fresh air in another room. Decided to start this, because I‘ve been watching TED Talks while lying in bed. I‘m always amazed at how brilliant the presentations are so this should give insight. Hoping all of you are well.

Lacythebookworm Feel better! 7y
Dragon Hope you get well soon! Sending virtual 🤗 and 🍲 7y
JacqMac I hope you feel better soon. 7y
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MicheleinPhilly Ugh. I‘ve hit the dry hacking stage of mine. What fun. 😒 I hope you feel better soon! 7y
Eyelit Take care and I hope you feel better soon! 💜 7y
Nute @Lacythebookworm @Dragon @JacqMac @MicheleinPhilly @eyelit So much love for you all. Every well wish, every kind thought, every virtual hug, every sweet word is priceless. I have tucked them all into the warm places of my heart and I believe that they are making me feel better. It is so cool how we can reach out and touch one another like family. Thanks. 7y
BellaBookNook I always secretly believe when I‘m sick I‘ll get more reading time but it never happens.😏 Hope you are feeling better. (edited) 7y
DivineDiana Sending get well wishes! 7y
Nute @BellaBookNook @DivineDiana Thanks for the well-wishes. I remember thinking a day in bed equals a day of reading. This ill encounter proved that as an untruth.😞 Reading can only take place after an 8-hour shift at work, on the weekend or while on vacation. So no more getting excited about colds that demand bed rest because col-related bed rest does not mean ‘yay...reading time!‘ 7y
BellaBookNook @Nute You are absolutely right. When we get sick our prime focus is healing and sometimes only rest helps the healing. Hope you feel better soon. 7y
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3.5 hours of reading and Moonglow is excellent! Taking a lunch break with some TED talks. Winnie is powering through.

britt_brooke So stinking cute! 8y
Joybishoptx Hard working Poochie! 8y
Bookchipmunk @britt_brooke @Joybishoptx Life's tough but someone has to do the hard work! 8y
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Secretos fundamentales para triunfar en cualquier exposición en publico, encandilar a nuestros oyentes y aprender a expresarnos con seguridad.


Hope this link works Littens. I listened to this TED Talk today, it talks about how to heal a divided nation. Hope it helps & comforts. https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/tedtalks-audio/id160904630?mt=2&i=377642568

BookishFeminist 💖💖 8y
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Hoping to glean some secrets from this book that will help me with my presentations. #thezenteacher

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Had a lot of stories and explanation which drilled down old concepts.