I got these in the sale today and can‘t wait to read them! I read ‘Five on Brexit Island‘ a while ago and it was absolutely hilarious.
I got these in the sale today and can‘t wait to read them! I read ‘Five on Brexit Island‘ a while ago and it was absolutely hilarious.
The Famous (or is it Fatuous) Five go on a strategy away day featuring competitive team building exercises in order to ideate, move forward and create synergy. Will they get through the day without murdering each other? How long will Julian's hangover last? And can they get one up on the Secret Seven?
I enjoyed Five on Brexit Island but I loved this! It was laugh out loud funny and I'd recommend it to all corporate away day survivors! #sbksept
First #sbksept book! I started this yesterday at breakfast and it is hilarious. Hoping to finish it at lunch today!
Okay Littens, here it is, my 2018 #sbksept TBR! Some books were on my 2017 TBR but I have a few new ones too! Plenty of choice - what do you think I should start with? What should I make sure to read this time around? If you want to join in with Short Books September just grab some short books (under 250 pages) from your shelves, share a picture and start reading! More info (and a funny video) at the link in my profile.
This ticked the nostalgia box for me, as well as giving me a modern laugh. A short but perceptive story about team building exercises was funny, at times vivacious and very current. While Vincent presents the frustrations I expect anyone who had been on this kind of event has felt, the humour was heightened by its presentation through the "Famous Five". Vincent has done a solid job of updating the characters and capturing the voice. A good laugh.
Equal parts nostalgia and modern adult lols. The famous five hating on the secret seven 😂