I had no idea that I needed a vintage rolling library cart.
But then I started seeing them all over the Internet.
And now I know that I do.
I had no idea that I needed a vintage rolling library cart.
But then I started seeing them all over the Internet.
And now I know that I do.
Between a pick and a so-so for me. Two loosely-linked narratives: Sir John Franklin and his wife attempting to “civilize” an aborginal girl in Van Dieman‘s land, and Charles Dickens, his arctic play, and love affair. Flanagan‘s writing is stunning, but neither story really grabbed my heart.
Guys! Is this worth 17 of my hard earned dollars?!? I have a mighty need and no self control! #blamelitsy #bookishthings
#readaroundtheworld #Australia Thin threads tie the life of one of the last native survivors of Van Diemen's land with Charles Dickens one of the most acclaimed novelists of his day. And yet, Flanagan pulls off a masterful investigation into the nature of human desire and how in turn that relates to the savage within the individual and within society. We only get a soulful glimpse of Dickens but Mathinna's story is heartbreaking.
A young aboriginal girl is taken to live with a white family. Lady Jane's husband is lost in the polar ice. Dickens mourns his daughter. Overlapping stories, back and forth in time. And just heartbreaking.
#readaroundtheworld #Australia
Staying with friends for the weekend, so limited reading time, but I did start this on the train up as my -#readaroundtheworld for #Australia.
I am loving his writing!
This excellent book tells of, among other things, Charles Dickens' affair with Ellen Ternan. (also good is The Invisible Woman by Claire Tomalin, a non-fiction account). #anditsaugust #cantstopwontstop
Today's #readjanuary is #bookface. Not sure if it a requirement to look terrified but I got that covered anyways.
Ha...covered...get it! #terriblebookpuns