I read the last ten pages of Kai Cheng Thom‘s poetry collection while I drank my coffee. This is powerful, necessary work. You should read it.
I read the last ten pages of Kai Cheng Thom‘s poetry collection while I drank my coffee. This is powerful, necessary work. You should read it.
Loooove this. One of my favourite poetry collections of what I have read this year. Content is excellent, raw, beautiful. The way she plays with form is brilliant. I can't recommend this enough.
I have never read anything quite like this. This is some powerful poetry. So many concentrated emotions, it is like a poetry bomb.
In a CBC interview, Kai Cheng Thom said: “I really needed a place in which to see myself and I wasn't finding any creative or artistic work that showed me that. So I had to make my own. As people of colour and trans folks so often do, if you don't see yourself, a vision of yourself, you have to create it on your own with the hope that it will make it easier for you to survive and also will generate community and connection.” #lgbtq 🇨🇦
My favourite books of April. A queer graphic novel; a graphic novel for emerging readers created by a gay couple; strange facts about trees; brief essays about beauty; a Latina verse novel audiobook; fierce Chinese Canadian trans poetry; a fierce and charming fable about trans women in Canada; and an audiobook for the whole family by a Filipino American.
what you want is you want to talk to me, and i am surprised at first, before i remember that i am now petite asian lady with good bone structure rather than a gawky skinny effeminate chinese boy, remarkable, the effect that repackaging has on the market value of a product.
from: airplane military sex dream man
#lgbtq #PoetryChallenge2018 🇨🇦
i am researching queer herstory.
femme future. i am researching my own survival. my thesis
is my life. amber says, ‘lying is the work
of those who have been taught that their truths have no value‘
reading that one line
makes me want to slide myself between the book‘s covers
cry myself to sleep.
from: book fetish
#lgbtq #poetrychallenge2018
you got to forgive yourself for hurting. you got to remember that your heart is not a clenched fist your heart is not a bruised face your heart is a mango full to bursting with sunlight oh sticky heart, smooth substance, there is joy in your aching, refuse to surrender the memory of your flavour. delicious heart, refuse to forget. boy, you got to love the girl in the boy in the girl in the boy in you in you in you.
there is a poem
scratched onto the walls of my throat
no one has heard it
but it is there
#LGBTQ #trans #Canadianauthor #poetrychallenge2018
(Image: detail of painting by Laurie MacFayden)
it spent nights in the grickle-grass garden its parents had stopped planting long ago. stood with its bare feet in the dirt wish-whispering at the moon, ‘make me precious. make me lovely. make me unlonely. make me a star.‘ like Gollum, like Ginsberg, like gratitude, like grace.
From: its name was the Boy Without a Penis
#LGBTQ #trans #poetry
This was a beautiful, raw, very real collection of poetry. I read it slowly so I could savour it! #transbooks
Gorgeous and devastating. "I remember how sad and alone I felt - when I realized that your revolution was different from mine" #transbooks
#Day12 #30daysofreadathon #exercise
This #book #aplacecallednohomeland is exercise for my brain. This poetry collection is...is...it's hard to describe. It's taken me a couple of tries to get into it but today it's finally totally gripped me, and dragging me through some feelings... in a great, thought provoking, real way! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️#readharder2017 #poetry
not sure how I found the time to read all of these, but overall I had a really good reading month
total = 36
graphic novels & comics = 7
collections of poetry = 3
YA = 7
nonfiction = 9
Poetry with a view! 😍 #poetry #transbooks
I went to this amazing double-header book launch today! Kai Cheng Thom and Catherine Hernandez with guest reader Gwen Beneway. Such a powerful collection of amazing writers in one place! #queerbooks #transbooks #femmebooks ❤️📚😍
Such a clarity of voice in smart rhythm, exploring issues of identity and borders and homeland and belonging. #nationalpoetrymonth
I really enjoyed this collection. The author did amazing at getting such complex feelings down and so well. I honestly wanted nothing then to hold her hand for a bit so she wouldn't have to hold all the weight of her past alone. She told poems beautifully and intensely and painfully. The way she did it reminded me of the break beat poets.
This was a fucking phenomenal collection of poetry. I can't even believe it's her debut. Poems with strong roots in oral traditions and spoken word, you can really hear them in your mind and heart. Tough and tender meditations on family, race, being trans, femininity, trauma, relationships, community, sex, books, and love. #TransBooks #Poetry
"All i want is to turn my lungs into a glass instrument and let them sing glory to my sisters"
"there is a poem
scratched onto the walls of my throat
no one has heard it
but it is there"
"dear white gay men:
you are neither the face
of my oppression
nor the hands
of my salvation"
#Poetry #TransBooks
I'm glad that today's #Riotgrams is a #Freebie because I have REALLY exciting #BookMail that I wanna talk about. Melissa Febos's collection of essays about love, connection, and investigating her indigenous heritage, an #OwnVoices magical Black trans girl YA, and poetry about monsters, ancestors, race, and (trans)gender. There are so many great QTPOC books out there and here are some of them! #TransBooks #QueerBooks
Another great piece on Lit Hub on Kai Cheng Thom's first novel (rather than the poetry volume tagged). I'll admit I've never heard of this author but this description, and the whole article, puts this straight on my tbr
"Despite its pastel cover, Fierce Femmes has the soul of a rocker: drugs, violence, love, magic, journeys" http://ow.ly/1Liz306ZePz